SpearID – Access Control Solutions
Safe and compliant solution for authentication in access control. Well suited for physical access control systems, bringing a much needed upgrade in security and authentication.
Security technology is at the same level as SpearID in authentication use, but does not include personal identification data. SpearID Access Card or Token can be compared to a key, that is virtually impossible to copy – unlike most of the access cards used today.

Cloud-based Solution
SpearID Access – Cloud Access & Smart Locks
Cloud-based access control and smart locking system for doors
Our offering also includes stylish wireless smart locks for every door, which can be opened via smartcard or smartphone with ease.
No NFC or Bluetooth connection is required, operates via a smart app on your phone. Smart locks operate via a wireless connection to a cloud-based access management system. Good interfaces to different reservation, booking and different physical access systems used in your organisation. Suitable also for a variety of locking mechanisms (from any manufacturer) should you wish to include a physical lock as well.
Highly reliable, compliant and stylish locking mechanism for example offices, hotels and apartment-complexes.